BELIEVING THAT ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT missions of the members of the Church of God International is to propagate the pure and untarnished Gospel of Christ on earth, the Church has conscientiously and fervently carries this obligation to fellowmen all over the world through the use of mass media and the Internet.
It is fully aware that this effort is geared to convert sinners to believe and glorify God, who is calling His people with determination to serve Him, bringing them in His fold, teaching them righteousness and to make them qualify for life eternal in heaven (I Corinthians 1:9,2; Ephesians 4:1,10,14; Acts 2:38; Philippians 1:27; I Peter 1:15-16; Ephesians 2:10; I Thessalonians 1:1).
As a member of the Church, one is taught to follow religiously and conscientiously the fundamental doctrines for Christians and righteousness as a way of life, and to be law abiding citizens recognizing the fundamental laws of the land they live in (Ephesians 2:12-13; Acts 26:18; 14:15; 17:29; Rome 13: 1-7; I Pet. 2:13; Proverb 8:15-16).
The Almighty God, the Father, is believed by its members to be the Creator of the universe, and that Christ Jesus is the Father’s only begotten son, a true and Mighty God, the only savior of mankind and the only way to the Kingdom of God in heaven (Acts 14:15; I Corinthians 8:5-7; John 14:6, 14:1).
It believes that the Philippines is part of the Gentile nations, which is partakers of the promise—the eternal life—through belief in Christ Jesus and the Gospel. As such, it believe that it is not authorized by God to establish their own Church, but are mere members associated with the same body or Church written in the Gospel by accepting and executing the doctrines written by the Apostles (Ephesians 3:6; Colossians 1:18; I John 2:25; 1:3-4; I Corinthians 12:27; Psalm 127:1; I Timothy 3:15).
The duty and obligation of the members of the Church to propagate the Gospel of Christ shall be undertaken until the consummation of the ages, for only the Church can teach the wisdom of God for the salvation of mankind (Luke 8:1-3; Ephesians. 3:10; II Timothy 3:14-17 ).